Strive to Be a Dynamic

Catholic Faith Community

following the example of Jesus Christ

The people of

St. Joseph's Parish

strive to be a dynamic, Catholic faith community, following the example of Jesus Christ through liturgical, communal and personal prayer. We value education, especially education in the faith. Through parish ministries and organizations, we serve others by offering our gifts of time, talents and treasures. We seek to fulfill this mission with the help of Christ, who leads us to oneness with God.

Please come join us for Mass


9:00 AM | 5 PM (Vigil),


8 AM | 9:30 AM | 11:30 AM | 7 PM,

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM,

Parish News

My Catholic Faith | Issue #26

Father Andrew Young is the author of this week’s My Catholic Faith helping us to learn about, “Why Go To Mass Every Sunday?” Don’t miss this edition and previously published articles on our website.

We, St. Joseph Catholic Church, strive to be a dynamic, Catholic faith community, following the example of Jesus Christ