Start a new way of learning…
Welcome to My Catholic Faith, a new weekly series from St. Joseph Parish that will offer a quick, simple, and easily accessible way for every adult to learn some small aspect of the Catholic faith every week in just a few minutes! There will be many ways to access these short articles: My Catholic Faith will be published in the parish bulletin, sent via email in our weekly parish and school newsletters, and posted on our parish website. Each article will also feature a connection to an online resource for those who want to “dig deeper” into the topic.
Know it | Profess it | Live it | Share it | Defend it
You spoke and we listened.
My Catholic Faith was conceived by our parish “With One Heart” (WOH) Strategy Team to address our WOH Priority to “Equip Parishioners to Evangelize / Share their Faith”. This priority was identified in response to our parishioners’ feedback on the WOH Diocesan / Parish survey in spring 2023.

Current Issues
Archive Issues
My Catholic Faith | Issue #24
Learn more about your faith each week with this next issue of the My Catholic Faith series. You can also read all previously published issues right here on our website.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #23
Learn about the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the latest issue of the My Catholic Faith, issue 23.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #22
What Happens to a Person at Confirmation? Learn more about this question of faith in this week’s latest issue of My Catholic’s Faith written by Vicki Klocke.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #21
What Happens To A Person At Baptism? A question so many have asked and is explored in the #21st issue of the My Catholic Faith.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #19
This week’s issue delves into the reasons behind Jesus’ baptism. This significant event is commemorated on the third Sunday after Christmas each year. Enjoy learning more about this important moment in Jesus’ life on earth.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #17
Don’t miss this issue of The My Catholic Faith titled, “The Incarnation: Why Did God Become Man?” written by Vicki Klocke
My Catholic Faith | Issue #18
This week’s issue of the My Catholic Faith series focuses on Mary, Mother of God. Do not hesitate to read this captivating article written by Father AJ Gedney.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #16
Be sure not to overlook the newest edition of My Catholic Faith, which features a focus on the Blessed Mother, authored by Rev. Andrew Young.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #15
Be sure to catch the latest installment of the faith learning series titled “My Catholic Faith.” This edition delves into the Immaculate Conception.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #14
Wishing you a joyous Church New Year! Delve into the liturgical calendar and discover different seasons of our faith this week’s latest edition of My Catholic Faith, by Vicki Ke.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #13
Discover more Our Lord Christ, King of the Universe, this week’s latest edition of the My Catholic Faith series wroitten by Father A.J. Gedney
My Catholic Faith | Issue #12
The latest issue of “My Catholic Faith” is now available for reading. This week’s edition focuses on the topic of Original Sin, authored by Vicki Klocke. Be sure to catch this issue as well as the previously published articles to deepen and actively participate in our faith.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #11
As the annual 40 hours of devotion draw near, explore this week’s edition of My Catholic Faith, delving into the topic of Eucharistic Adoration, written by JJ Wurtz.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #10
The latest issue of the My Catholic Faith is available to read written by Diaconate Aspirant, JJ Wurtz titled, What is Mass?
My Catholic Faith | Issue #9
Personal Devotion refers to the profound meditation and connection with God through prayer, as explored in the latest issue of My Catholic Faith.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #8
This week, “My Catholic Faith” delves into Lectio Divina, or “Divine Reading.” Delight in discovering this and more in the series’ eighth issue.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #7
What is the Liturgy of the Hours, find out by reading this week’s edition of the My Catholic Faith, issue 7.
My Catholic Faith | Issue #6
My Catholic Faith | Issue #6
My Catholic Faith | Issue #5
My Catholic Faith | Issue #5
“What is Prayer?”
My Catholic Faith | Issue #4
My Catholic Faith | Issue #4
“What is Church?”
My Catholic Faith | Issue #3
My Catholic Faith | #3
“Why Do We Need Church?”
My Catholic Faith | #2
My Catholic Faith | #2
“Who is Jesus Christ?”
My Catholic Faith | Issue #1
Welcome to My Catholic Faith, a new weekly series from St. Joseph Parish!