Is God calling you into a deeper relationship with Him? Is there something missing in your life? Do you have questions about the Catholic Church or have you thought about becoming Catholic?
The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is an opportunity for anyone who has questions about the Catholic faith or has considered joining the Catholic Church to respond to the invitation of Jesus to “come and see”.
Special Presentation: My Personal Journey with OCIA (formerly RCIA)
Click the link to see a special video from Wesley Hamilton, one of our new members,
who shares his own experience of the OCIA (formerly RCIA) journey and his entrance into full communion with the Church.
OCIA – Details and Information:
Any person who is not baptized and would like to enter the Church and become a Christian through baptism.
Any person who is already one with us through their baptism in another Christian tradition and would like to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Adults and older children over age 7 and have completed the second grade.
The OCIA is a journey of faith for any person who would like to learn more about the Catholic faith and is considering becoming a member of the Catholic Church. The goal of the OCIA process is to bring people to Jesus Christ in His Church so that they can have a personal encounter with Him in the sacraments and develop a relationship that will lead to everlasting life with God in heaven!
A person may join the OCIA process at St. Joseph Parish at any time during the year. Whenever the Spirit moves a person to want to know, love and serve Christ through His Church, s/he can begin the OCIA journey. If you are not Catholic and would like to know more about the Catholic Church or the OCIA process, we invite you to inquire. We will meet with you and share more detailed information about the OCIA process. There is no pressure and no obligation. Just come and see!
Participants in the OCIA process are introduced to Jesus Christ in the Scriptures and the teachings, sacraments, and community of the Catholic Church. The process entails weekly faith formation sessions and Sunday Mass attendance with reflection and discussion about the Scriptures proclaimed at Mass. It is a time to inquire, ask questions, and discern if God is calling you to the Catholic Church.
Contact Us:
We are here to welcome you, to answer your questions, and to walk the journey of faith with you.
If you would like more information of the OCIA, please contact Vicki Klocke, Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation and OCIA by using the form below or directly at 859-927-2291 or by email at vklocke@stjoeparish.net
RCIA Information
Please fill out this form if you would like to be contacted by our Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation for more information regarding RCIA.
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