The season of Lent and Holy Week are a deeply meaningful time for worship, a sacred opportunity for us to gather and reflect on the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus during his final days on earth.

Dear Parishioners, Friends, and Cherished Guests,

The season of Lent and Holy Week are a deeply meaningful time for worship, a sacred opportunity for us to gather and reflect on the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus during His final days on Earth. This season invites us to immerse ourselves in powerful liturgies that resonate with hope, redemption, and grace—experiences that are truly unique to this time of year.

I warmly invite you to join us for the Masses and liturgies, where we can share in this journey together as a community. Your presence will add to the spirit of unity and reverence that defines our observance of this sacred time of year. For more details about our special offerings during this sacred time, please take a moment to scroll through this webpage or click the links below.

Always in my prayers,
Andrew Young, Pastor
St. Joseph Church

Welcome to our Lent and Easter webpage that will be available from Ash Wednesday through the Easter Season. This page will contain information about Mass times, special religious services, and guides to help prepare our hearts, minds, and souls for this important time of year in our Catholic Faith. We will update this page with information as it becomes available.

The Season of Lent | Events and Activities

During Lent, explore opportunities to encounter the Lord and receive His grace for deeper conversion.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 | Ash Wednesday

Wednesday marks the beginning of the holy season of Lent, a time for deep reflection and spiritual renewal. With open hearts, we invite you to join us for Mass, where we will receive ashes as a symbol of our commitment to this sacred journey. Let us come together in unity, preparing ourselves for the profound experiences of Holy Week and the celebration of Easter that awaits us.

March 19, 2025 | The Feast of St. Joseph Mass and Celebration following Mass

Mark your calendar and please join us on Wednesday, March 19, at 6:30 PM for a special Mass to honor our patron, St. Joseph, on his feast day! We will have a solemn Mass followed by a reception in Kelley Hall. This is a great opportunity for us to come together as a parish community and give thanks to God for the patronage of St. Joseph. As this is a solemnity, Lenten practices can be relaxed this day to reflect the celebratory nature of the day.

Please join us and bring a friend!

April 2, 2025 | Lenten Parish Reflection Night

Renew your spirit through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Other Reconciliation Opportunities
Thursdays | 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Mornings before and after | 9:00 AM Mass

4:00 – 4:50 PM before 5:00 PM Mass

Wednesdays | Eucharistic Adoration

After 9:30 AM Mass until 6:30 PM

To inspire and assist you during Eucharistic Adoration we have created a booklet with guidance and prayers to help connect your mind, heart, and soul to Jesus during your time before the Blessed Sacrament.

Thursdays | Confession, Adoration and Mass (while NKU is in session)

Confession and Adoration | 6:00 PM – 7:00
Mass at 7:00 PM

Please note:
There will only be Confession on March 13th. Adoration or Mass are cancelled due to NKU Spring Break

Fridays | Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross will be on Friday nights in Church starting at 7 PM.

To help follow along with the stations click the Way of the Cross guide to download for printing or to your electronic devices.

Please note:
There will not be confessions after the stations of the cross as the Thursday replaces this opportunity)

Holy Week Events, Masses and Services

Holy Thursday

Seder Meal: 6:00 PM
(Parish Event, RSVP to Parish office)

7:30 PM

Good Friday

Stations of the Cross:
Noon and 7:00 PM,
Liturgy 3:00 PM
After each service

Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil Mass:

8:30 PM

Easter Sunday Masses:

7:00 AM | 8:30 AM
10:30 AM | 12:30 PM

General Information and Guides

Lenten Fasting and Abstinence Guide

Local Fish Frys During Lent

We, St. Joseph Catholic Church, strive to be a dynamic, Catholic faith community, following the example of Jesus Christ