Loving God, we pray for the souls of our dearly departed to find heavenly peace.
May they be welcomed into Your loving arms and rest in the serenity of Your divine presence.
In Remembrance / Funeral Details
Details provided are and will be updated based on information shared from the family or the funeral home to the Parish office. Click the name of the person to read their obituary when available.
Bereavement Committee Support / Funeral Mass Planning
Who we are:
Members of the parish are trained and organized to provide spiritual assistance and funeral planning for families of deceased members.
For more information on how we can help support your family during such a difficult time please contact:
Sharon Clark | 859-441-2212 | Bereavement@stjoeparish.net
Our team…

Funeral Planning /Guides
To help families prepare for their loved one’s Church service prior to meeting with our Bereavement Committee, please see the information below.
Church Fees and Music Director:
The funeral home will write a check(s) for the following charges:
Use of church:
$250 if no visitation
$350 for visitation in church, plus an additional $70 for additional hour(s), 2 hour maximum visitation
Music Director Fees:
$150 for the Music Director which is made out to Connie Ruprich