Suggested song selections
To see all the song selections and hear a small recording of the music click the (+) to open the selection for that group of songs.
Abide with Me (EVENTIDE)
Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN)
America the Beautiful (MATERNA)
Be Not Afraid (Dufford)
Blest Be the Lord (Schutte)
Canticle of the Sun (Haugen)
Christ, Be Our Light (Farrell)
City of God (Schutte)
Companions on the Journey (Landry)
Day Is Done (AR HYD Y NOS)
Faith of Our Fathers (ST. CATHERINE)
Gather Us In (Haugen)
Healing River of the Spirit (BEACH SPRING)
Here I Am, Lord (Schutte)
Holy Darkness (Schutte)
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT)
How Great Thou Art (Hine)
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (DUKE STREET)
I, the Lord (Kendzia)
Immaculate Mary (LOURDES HYMN)
Jerusalem, My Happy Home (LAND OF REST)
Lead Me, Lord (Becker)
Let There Be Peace on Earth (Miller/Jackson)
Lord of All Hopefulness (SLANE)
Now Thank We All Our God (NUN DANKET)
On Eagle’s Wings (Joncas)
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother (BEAUTIFUL MOTHER)
Sing a New Song (Schutte) (not permitted during Lenten season)
Sing to the Mountains (Dufford)
Sing with All the Saints in Glory (HYMN TO JOY)
Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling (THOMPSON)
Soon and Very Soon (SOON AND VERY SOON)
The King of Love My Shepherd Is (ST. COLUMBA)
The Servant Song (Gillard)
Though the Mountains May Fall (Schutte)
We Are the Light of the World (GREIF)
We Walk by Faith (Haugen)
All Is Well with My Soul (VILLE DU HAVRE)
Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN)
Be Not Afraid (Dufford)
Bread of Life (Farrell)
Eye Has Not Seen (Haugen)
Gift of Finest Wheat (BICENTENNIAL)
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Landry)
Here I Am, Lord (Schutte)
Hosea (Priory)
I Am the Bread of Life (Toolan)
I Have Loved You (Joncas)
Let There Be Peace on Earth (Miller/Jackson)
Like a Shepherd (Dufford)
Loving and Forgiving (Soper)
O Lord, I Am Not Worthy (NON DIGNUS)
On Eagle’s Wings (Joncas)
One Bread, One Body (Foley)
Only a Shadow (Landry)
Open My Eyes (Manibusan)
Panis Angelicus (SACRIS SOLEMNIIS)
Parable (Ridge)
Peace is Flowing Like a River (Traditional/Landry)
Prayer of St. Francis (Temple)
Precious Lord, Take My Hand (PRECIOUS LORD)
Psalm 42 (As the Deer Longs)(O WALY WALY)
Remember Your Love (Ducote/Daigle)
Seek Ye First (Lafferty) (not permitted during Lenten season)
Servant Song (McGargill)
Shepherd Me, O God (Haugen)
Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling (THOMPSON)
Taste and See (Moore)
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) (Myrin/Redman)
The Cry of the Poor (Foley)
The Lord Is My Light (Walker)
Turn to Me (Foley)
We Are Many Parts (Haugen)
We Remember (Haugen)
Whatsoever You Do (Jabusch)
You Are Near (Schutte)
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Before the Sun Burned Bright (Schutte) (not permitted during the Lenten season)
Carry Me Home (Modlin/Alstott)
Go Forth (Thomson)
In the Garden (Miles)
In This Very Room (Harris)
Just a Closer Walk with Thee (Morris)
May the Road Rise to Meet You (True)
Memorae (Mather)
Panis Angelicus (Franck)
Quietly, Peacefully (True)
Surely the Presence of the Lord is In This Place (Wolfe)
The Old Rugged Cross (Bennard)
Things to Remember…
Our Parish Musicians and Resurrection Choir will play and sing at all parish funerals. If the family requests an outside vocalist or musician/instrumentalist, he/she may only sing or play one or two religious selections at Offertory, Communion, Communion Meditation, or Prelude. There must be prior approval with the Music Director. (It is very difficult for a close family member to play/sing at a loved one’s funeral, so this is not recommended and should be taken into consideration before a request is made.)
All printed programs must be reviewed and typed at the parish office, because attention must be given to correctness of Liturgical principles as well as careful observation of copyright laws.
Because of the sacred nature of the Catholic Liturgy, only religious music is to be done during the Mass or before Mass. The use of non-religious music should be reserved for the funeral home or reception.
Taped or pre-recorded music may not be used.