Board of Catholic Education Mission Statement

The purpose of the Education Committee is to promote, recommend, and evaluate parish-related education programs, particularly religious education programs, for all members of the parish including the parish school.

Membership Information

Membership – The total membership of the Education Committee shall be a minimum of 13 members and shall include:

  1. The pastor and/or the associate pastor
  2. The school principal
  3. The Director of Religious Education (DRE) at the parish
  4. A teacher representative
  5. 9 lay members elected by the parishioners

A President, Vice President, Secretary shall constitute the officers of the Education Committee. The President of the Education Committee must attend Parish Council meetings. The term of office for the elected lay members of the Education Committee shall be three years, with one-third of the members being elected each year. Terms shall begin on the first of June of the first year and expire on the thirty-first of May of the third year. Officers shall be elected yearly.

Board Members

Fr. Reinersman- Pastor

Fr. Samuel Owusu- Parochial Vicar

Sue Greis- Principal

Vicki Klocke- Adult Faith Formation Director

Steven Fischer- Coordinator of Religious Education

Jill Gast- Teacher Representative

Rick Wolf- BOE President

Hannah Peters- BOE Vice President

Erin Imbus- BOE Secretary

Kristine Willike- Board Member

Cathy Reed- Board Member

Sharon Redmond- Board Member

Matt Lewin- Board Member

Board of Education Constitution

We, St. Joseph Catholic Church, strive to be a dynamic, Catholic faith community, following the example of Jesus Christ