Eucharist (from the Greek word eucharistia, “thankfulness”) is the sacrament in which the true Body and Blood of Christ, who is truly and substantially present under the appearance of bread and wine is received in holy Communion.
Bread and wine
Words of Institution: “This is my body…This is my blood.”
Luke 22:19

What the Church teaches…
During the celebration of the Mass, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the proclamation of Jesus’ words by the priest, the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ, which is offered in an unbloody manner in sacrifice for us and in praise to the Father. The assembly actively participes by prayers, hymns, psalms, responses, and an inner self-offering along with Christ to the Father. All who are properly prepared can receive Holy Communion, by which Jesus gradually transforms the receivers into himself and which leads them to Gospel witness in the world.
-United State Catholic Catechism for Adults
Preparing for First Communion
Children receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time during their 2nd grade year. Preparation for the reception of the Eucharist takes place through religious education in both the parish school and the Parish School of Religion.
If you are an adult who was baptized but didn’t receive your 1st Communion, please reach out to Vicki Klocke, our Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation and RCIA for more information at 859-927-2291 or by email at