A new year and new look for our online giving system! Read all about this change and check out the website for yourself!
You have questions…we have answers!
Below are a few questions that you may have but if you cannot find what you are looking for here, please email us at stjoemedia@stjoeparish.net
I am currently using Vanco already – now what?
If you are currently using Vanco to make your gifts online all previously scheduled gifts will process as usual. No further action is needed unless you want to change how the gift is processed such as giving rotation, payment card, or amount.
What is my logon to this new system?
If you are currently using this system your logon credentials will remain the same. Simply log on as you normally would by clicking the sign in button on the upper right-hand corner of the Vanco home page.
How do I get started?
If you are new to this system, please click the sign-up button on the upper right corner to create a profile and start the easy process of setting up your gifts.
What are my options for reoccurring gifts?
Recurring gifts may be scheduled on any gifts/donations (not payment for tickets or tangible items) on the frequency plan that works for you. The options include daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly.
Planned Giving Opportunities

A planned gift to St Joseph helps secure your continued support of the parish and the quality Catholic enrichment for future Catholics. While so many people are generous in investing in our parish during their lives, a planned gift will ensure an investment beyond life.
Ensuring that the parish receives a gift is a wonderful way to leave a legacy, and is as simple as a discussion with your legal counsel deciding the most effective way for you to participate in our planned giving program.
Below are the following ways you can make a lasting gift.
A bequest is a gift designating St Joseph parish in your will. These gifts can be an unrestricted donation or go towards a specific fund or need within our parish or our school.
Life Insurance
Designating St Joseph Parish as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy is a wonderful way to ensure that the parish receives a piece of your estate. Policies can be transferred to the parish or established naming St Joseph as the recipient of the funds.
Charitable Lead Trust
A donor can set up this trust, which allows you to designate your heirs as the beneficiaries of this trust while including an income stream for St Joseph for a period of time to be determined upon establishing the Trust. Assets will be transferred to the parish and during the determined years, income is paid to the parish. At the end of the established term, the payments are transferred to other beneficiaries of your heirs.
Charitable Reminder Trust
A donor transfers cash, securities or real estate into a trust and a fixed or variable income is paid to both the donor and/or other beneficiaries for life or a specific term. This type of planned gift appeals to those who wish to both invest in St Joseph and continue to receive income from investment of the assets of the gift.
Retirement Plan
A donor designates St Joseph parish as the beneficiary of his or her IRA or retirement plan. Distributions from retirement plans upon the account holder’s death, means that 100% of the plan balance will benefit the parish.
Real Estate Gift
Gifts of real estate can include private residences, vacation homes, commercial property, farmland, raw acreage, and developable property. Gifts of property and real estate can benefit the parish in many ways.
Charitable Gift Annuity
A donor establishes a gift annuity by transferring assets like cash, stocks, bonds and mutual fund shares to St Joseph. In exchange, the donor receives a fixed income for life. Payments begin immediately, or at a date specified by the donor.
For more information…
For more information on how to include St Joseph parish in your estate plan or to set up one of the planned giving avenues outlined above, please contact the rectory at (859) 441-1604.
Thank you for your generosity.
If you have already made plans to include St Joseph in your will or once you have done so, your generosity is greatly appreciated and helps to ensure that the parish will be able to continue in the formation of the Catholic faith in the future.
Estate Planning Booklet
The attached booklet was assembled for you to use in your financial planning. Feel free to print the entire booklet and when the appropriate sections are completed you will have a complete document of all your assets. If you have Abobe Acrobat the form version will allow you to insert your personal information and then save the updated file for your records. You then will have a file with your information which you can update as things change in your life. This “central” record of information can be taken to your attorney to complete/update your will.