What we do:
The volunteers of St. Joseph Parish Pastoral Council and its subcommittees work to assist the Pastor with the needs of the Parish. The mission statements of the seven (7) current standing council committees are listed below. Individuals interested in volunteering on a committee are encouraged to contact the council president or the pastor. Please see the Parish Council By-Laws for more information.

Our meetings are held:
On the 4th Tuesday of the Month
7:00 PM
Meeting Room A.
Meetings are typically 2 hours long. Council meetings are open to the entire parish. Individuals wishing to address Parish Council should submit their agendas via e-mail to the council president at least 1 week prior to the next scheduled meeting so time can be allotted for the subject matter.
The subcommittees of the Parish Council meet at various times and locations.
Contact the council president for committee meeting times if you wish to attend.
Brian Stegman – President
Mike Emerine
Amy Hill
Brian Hils
Kyle Sebree
Hollie Lusby
C J Peters
Jerry Sandfoss
Mike Meiners
Sally Vater
Kathy Hildreth
Ryan Kramer
Ray Donnelley
Leslie Hilner
Finance Committee:
Assists the pastor and Parish Council in planning, providing, and supervising the parish financial resources.
Liturgy & Worship Committee
Plans and provides for the spiritual development of the parish community through meaningful liturgies and other programs that enable the people to pray and love God.
Planning, Development, & Maintenance Committee
Assists the pastor in developing, planning, and communicating the
long-term strategic plans of the parish to meet the future needs of its parishioners while effectively utilizing its resources to enhance and maintain the parish plant and facilities.
Public Relations & Communications Committee
Promotes and develops the Parish Family Concept through the celebration of special events within the diocese and the parish.
Social Action & Outreach Committee
Identifies and responds to the special needs of the people within the parish and its community, to increase awareness of the support services available to those with special needs, and to help parishioners feel and remain connected to our church family.
Stewardship Committee
Organizes the parish community through their time, talents, and treasures.
Youth & Family Life Committee
Provides support and establishes programs and resources, which nurture and enhance the fullness of Christian family life for the people of St. Joseph Parish.