Pathfinders Mission Statement

We are a group of Catholic men in Campbell County who gather to develop brotherhood, community, and Christian virtue. We meet weekly for prayer, discussion, and faith formation in order to challenge each other to grow as men in Christ regardless of one’s vocation or state in life.

Listed below are the available meeting times. Join a session that meets your scheduling needs.
No preparation is needed. Come as you are!

Light beverages will be served.

Tuesday Mornings
6 AM – 7 AM

Kelley Hall meeting room

For more information regarding the Tuesday morning meetings please contact:

Will Bauman


Nolan Johnson

Wednesday Evenings
7 PM – 8:15 PM

Meeting Room B

For more information regarding the Tuesday evening meetings please contact:

Walt Dunlevy

We, St. Joseph Catholic Church, strive to be a dynamic, Catholic faith community, following the example of Jesus Christ