Adult Faith Formation
A wide variety of faith formation programs and opportunities for all adults.

Adult Faith Formation (AFF) is the lifelong process of finding and falling in love with God in the midst of our human lives. Every Catholic, by virtue of our Baptism, is on a life-long journey of faith. Consequently, Adult Faith Formation has as its purpose to support, nourish, and challenge adults as they explore their faith, experience its power, and grow in relationship with God.
Parish School of Religion
Faith formation and Sacramental preparation for children not enrolled
in a Catholic school.

The Saint Joseph Parish School of Religion (PSR) is a program designed for the children of our parish who attend schools without formal religious catholic education as part of their curriculum. PSR aims to educate and form these students in our faith including preparing them for the reception of sacraments as well as deepening and reinforcing knowledge of their religion and values for living.
Becoming Catholic
For those who have questions about the Catholic faith or have considered joining
the Catholic Church

The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a journey of faith for any person who is not baptized to prepare for initiation into the Church through baptism. Those who are already one with us through their baptism in another Christian tradition may also enter the RCIA process to prepare to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church.