Join the Catholic Church
Becoming Catholic
A person is brought into full communion with the Catholic Church through reception of the three Sacraments of Christian initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist.
The OCIA (order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
This is an opportunity for anyone who has questions about the Catholic faith or has considered joining the Catholic Church to respond to the invitation of Jesus to “come and see”.
Baptism (from the Greek work baptisma, a “dipping”) is the sacrament in which, by water and the power of the Holy Spirit, a person is cleansed of all sin, including original sin, and experiences birth into the new life of Christ.
Reconciliation (or penance, confession) is the sacrament in which sins committed after baptism are confessed after an examination of conscience and forgiven by a priest in the name of Christ.
Eucharist (from the Greek word eucharistia, “thankfulness”) is the sacrament in which the true Body and Blood of Christ, who is truly and substantially present under the appearance of bread and wine is received in holy Communion.
Confirmation is the sacrament in which the baptized are strengthened by the Holy Spirit in order to bear witness to Christ and prepare to take on the role of a disciple.
The sacrament of Marriage signifies the union and love that exist between Christ and the Church. It is a faithful covenant in which a man and a woman unite in such a way that, by forming “one flesh”, they can transmit human life.
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is the sacrament in which those who are ill are anointed to impart spiritual strength and physical healing. Anointing with oil.
Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament in which a bishop confers on a baptized man the grace of the Holy Spirit and sacred power for the service of the faithful.