Lori Lang R.N is our full time nurse. She has been a nurse for 22 years and has worked locally and nationally with adults and children. Parents can communicate with her regarding their child’s health issues. She sees students for a variety of issues such as injuries, stomachaches, headaches, and daily medication dosing. She also assists with health education for our students and staff. Parents typically receive an email or phone call if their child visits the nurse. The nurse office can also be a safe space for an occasional brain break for the students.

Nurse / Health Forms

If your child has any medical issues, please communicate this with our school nurse. Her hours are 8:30-3:30 everday.

859.927.2230      llang@stjoeschool.net

Our mission is for our students to embrace the gospel message, to be and do their best,
to be lifelong learners, and to live their Catholic faith.