This handbook has been prepared to clarify questions parents have regarding the philosophy and procedures at St. Joseph School.
The education of children begins the day they are born. Their entrance into school is not the beginning of their education but the continuation of it. Parents have the first right and responsibility for the education of their children. The teachers, professionally trained in the psychology of learning and techniques of teaching, wish to assist parents in this all-important work.
The school is usually one of the first experiences of Christian community that children have outside of the family. The respect, communication, and cooperation that parents, teachers, and administrators exhibit among themselves should, therefore, model Christian community for the children. Equally important, however, are the respect, communication, and cooperation shown toward and expected from children as part of that community.
Parental attitudes toward the parish school and their respect for individual teachers are normally absorbed and reflected by children. Only if children perceive this mutual respect as a shared authority of parents and teachers will the children be able to participate positively in their education.
We hope that this handbook, prepared by parents, faculty, and the administration, will help to foster cooperation between home and school. Parents are asked to study this handbook with their children and to keep it at hand for reference.